A Thank You Letter To My University (Dalian University of Technology) 沈东升 (Faya Dimika SANDOUNO)


Dear Dalian University of Technology

Thank you. Thank you for being so perfect. For being exactly what I needed. For teaching me so much — both about the world and about myself. I will forever hold you near and dear to my heart.

You brought me the most sincere friends I’ve ever had. Each day I thank God for these people in my life, and I would never have met them if you hadn’t accepted me to be part of your students. We’re from different corners of the world and you brought us all together. You gave me the exact friends I’ve been praying for years.

You challenged me. To be brave and come to class everyday . To be open-minded as I meet people from all over the nation and world. To be fearless in the pursuit of all of the opportunities you holds. To never apologize for the unique parts of who I am.

Thank you for my education. You are full of so many opportunities,

Thank you for being in the most amazing University and the beautiful city (Dalian) I ever could have imagined. Thank you for given me the opportunity to know more about the Chinese Culture, the chinese food of this city and even more

Lastly, DUT, thank you for showing me that God has a plan. I was upset at first that I had to go back to my country, thank you for making me proud that I can be useful for my country, and you have gave me the opportunity to realize my dream, and I promise to make sure that everyone will hear and know the powerful education you have been sharing around world.

沈东升 (Faya Dimika SANDOUNO)

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